Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Listening Journal, an assignment

The story starts with a topic sentence describing what is what's coming up going to be about, which is an inventor who decides to invent a latrine deodorizer. Another woman leads the show introducing Mr. Sypher who then tells why exactly he came up with his invention, he is very descriptive yet precise and short "95 degrees, the owrst smell i have ever smelt." Changing the people speaking in my opinion helped me as a listener to maintain attention and reduced chances of boredom.

Sypher's voice then appears apparently at the working place as you can here the sound of things being moved in the background, he was apparently showing the interviewer around, when then she starts talking about facts. The background noises makes the listener feel that he is there with the interviewer and also gives some kind of reassurance that the interviewer was there and not just researching from her desk.

She then gave an overview of the past of Sypher, and then mentions that some boy scouts are interested in Sypher's invention then immediately we are transferred to a camp because we can here a sound that seems like the sound of boys in a camp, and then the boys describe how bad the smell is... again, that kept me as a listener really interested as well as surprised at how much audio could be affective at drawing images in my head.

She then speaks to the supervisor of the scouts who also said his part on the subject and then shows her around the cabin explaining how the smell comes out, through out his description we can here the steam as well as the sound of the door opening.

Then she introduces another invention to face the same problem, although it is not very effective; carbines with air processor. then she introduces James cliff to speak on that.

The show ends with her introducing another different stand point which is why change when the older way has been working for thousands of years.

I was impressed by this radio show, i felt that throughout the 3:50 minutes every second was worth it, it is very efficient. the words were chosen carefully. it is very objective, giving different points of view and also very interesting because you can here the sounds which helps you imagine, and almost feel like you are there.


Title: Boyhood Trip spurs Inventor's latrine Deodorizer By Laura Ziggler

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