Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The new campus Promotes Love

The laws concerning the PDA has immensly decreased after the move the to the new campus. In the old campus, a friend of mine was caught by the security guard for PDA for hugging her brother. while a couple I know has gotten more than 13 PDA charges. In the old campus, if a girl sat on a guys lap PDA would immediately intervene, while in the new campus, that rarely ever happens, and couples feel safe to kiss mouth to mouth in public.

I think it is because this campus is huge with a lot of hidden areas that it is impossible to keep an eye on every body on campus. I know of some people who went to third base in a class on campus and were never caught.

At any case, I find that a good thing, since it gives the students a bigger sense of freedom, and in my opinion when someone feels free he feels more like a human and more like an individual which makes him or her her feel like giving more to the world.

Also, I like the looser feeling that is around campus, love is in the air... And all you need is love---All hail The Beatles.

1 comment:

  1. I'm all for a little bit more PDA on campus. After all, "All you need is love", right? But you're saying they've become a bit more loose on the new campus. From what I know, the rules about PDA have become a bit stricter. ... But yes, I've seen couples kissing on the new campus - and almost gotten a heart attack, simply because I'm not used to something that is actually a very normal thing.
