Tuesday, September 22, 2009

On Rehab for Eating Disorders

Noha El Bardri a student at the AUC has found that if an AUC student was cached with an eating disorder, they will be admitted to rehab compulsively. She found that out after she interviewed a psychiatrist working at the university's mentoring unit for an article she was writing for a journalism course.

I believe that it is not the university's right or any-one's right to send anyone with an eating disorder to rehab, unless the eating disorder that the person is suffering from proves to affect his/her health.

Bulimia is an eating disorder that affects 1-3% of adolescents in the united states. i have some friends suffering from that disorder, some of them compulsively exercise whilst others force food out by purging. One of my friends who was, by the way, over weight and only purged occasionally was sent to rehab by her mother for two months. In rehab she made close friends with all kinds of addicts, and came out of rehab as an alcoholic.

Her mom, I presume, has had good intentions, however, i believe that in this country, our very own wonderful Egypt there is not enough reliable psychiatrist service, let alone taking a disorder such as bulimia seriously, even though the girl was sent to one of the most reputable rehab centers in Egypt ''Okasha'', she shared the same room with heroine addicts. I think that this is irresponsible, and it has had damage on the girl more than the eating disorder itself.

I think that sending people to rehab without trying with them first is simply taking the easy way out. Because everyone who is in that kind of problem needs help, and wants to change, and so should be given a chance before being sent to such a horrible place, unless they want to off course.

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