Friday, October 2, 2009

On Marketing Religion (The Bridges Foundation)

This video starts
with Mr Soliman instructing people to repeat the Islamic Shahada, then gives some information about the Bridges foundation, It's intended to advertise the workshps the foundation offers to internet users.

Yesterday out of curiosity, i attended the first day of an extensive workshop on how to become a Da3ia (A preacher). The workshop which consists of two levels; each for three days. The first one is 4 hours a day and the second level is for 12 hours per day. The workshop is organised by a foundation called the bridges foundation. that aims to present Islam. It has branches in the UK, Kuwait, Austria, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and the United states.

I was told that the workshop would be about dealing with the misconceptions concerning Islam especially after the events of 9/11, and all the bombings in the UK and Madrid, however what I found was lessons on how to market Islam and sell it to people.

"You know who the best Marketer that ever existed? ... It's the Prophet Mohamed" said Mr. Soliman, who is the director of this vast foundation. He kept on through out the lecture talking about his achievements and how he has managed to convert so many people to Islam, and then he spoke to those who were present about skills that would help them to get people to become Muslim. He kept on speaking on how to play with the mind of your target and how to manipulate what you are saying as to get their sympathy. His motto was that all Muslims should act like marketers and sell Islam.

I was shocked by what Mr Soliman was saying, he was teaching all these people, who at that day counted to 157 to be frauds when it came to their religion to manipulate the minds of other people.

The violent way in which he spoke made me feel like he is conducting an army, and it truly scared that at some point i thought that i was going to start crying out of despair.

According to Mr. Soliman, the Christians in Egypt are doing huge campaigns to convert Muslims and so Muslims must fight back and get as much Christians to be Muslims because of course according to him Islam is the only road to salvation.

1 comment:

  1. It is so interesting to read a different point of view on this foundation! I have a friend who attended it and she was so happy she expressed it in her Gmail e-mail status, but I didn't really talk with her about it or know what made her so happy. I remember her and another friend nagging with me about signing up for it, and I was completely reluctant. Somehow you proved my expectations right, though I have to listen from her as well you know!
    I am sorry about that! But I have so much to talk about concerning this culture of preaching going all around in different forms and with different products and ideas. It is driving me nuts I have to say.
