Tuesday, November 10, 2009

News Wrap, Six charity hospitals are being built around Egypt to save pre-mature babies.

For more information about pre-mature birth click here.

News Wrap Script

Music: (Broken Hearts- by Dreamfullofzen)

Cast- Al Gam3ia Al Shar3eya is a charity group founded to serve the needs of the financially challenged particularly for taking care of premature babies and babies that are born with health problems who arrive in a family that is unable to pay for their health care. Ten years ago the organization established its first hospital to serve its cause in Nasr city. That was first step, for today there are nine other operating hospitals in addition to six being built as Ispeak.
Dr Ibrahim Abd-El-Haq a Natal consultant and the head of the charity group’s hospital in Nasr city, will be with us to elaborate more, firstly by explaining what qualifies a new born to be considered “premature” or “Preterm” and what kind of patients do they accept in their hospitals.
Sound Bite 1 (Dr. Ibrahim):
The new nate starts from 500 hundred grams to nearly 600 grams. This is named as a premature baby or preterm baby.

Cast -Premature birth is a serious health problem. Premature babies are at increased risk for newborn health complications, such as breathing problems, and even death. Most premature babies require care in a newborn intensive unit (NICU), which has specialized medical staff and equipment that can deal with the multiple problems faced by premature infants.

Sound Bite 2 :
We have more than 12 new natal units which are the one of the biggest units in the Middle East and maybe in the world. We have more than 500 hundred incubators and more than 100 hundred ventilators and these instruments maybe the largest ones in the world or the Middle East.

Cast-The cost of one day of baby care could rise to 1000 Euros in European countries, however,

Sound bite 3:
All this service is charity hospitals which depend on the business man in Egypt, only in Egypt and not outside Egypt. We accept anybody who comes to our unit if he is Muslim or not Muslim and if he is Egyptian or not Egyptian. We deal with all nationalities and all religions. There is no difference between a person and another. It is especially for poor persons, but if a rich person who starts this treatment in a special hospital and after some time he may complain of there is no more, that he spent all his money on that hospital, then we accept that person as well.

Cast-The rate of premature birth has increased by 36 percent since the early 1980s (1). At the same time the rate of poverty has increased and as a result more and more families lose their new born child. Operating these hospitals is not easy [quote] and your help is most needed, if you have money or effort to spare it would do you good to know that you might be saving a life.
Sound bite 4:
The natal unit is an intensive care unit that needs more people who care about these babies.

Exit Music (broken Hearts).

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