Sunday, November 1, 2009

it is so much more than a Costume... It is a statement.

Thursday the 29th of October was not a typical day at the AUC, it was two days before Halloween, since Halloween was supposed to be on the Saturday following it.

I went to university caught up in the Autumn blues, fed up with life –as usual-, when suddenly out of the blue I saw these cave men running, and giving everyone a wonderful show. They are just students at the AUC who were enjoying themselves and welcoming Halloween, Anyhow, they really made my day, I mean the fact that they woke so early and got in costumes and actually came up with a show, aimlessly, rekindled my lost hope in this world.

Then after a boring class, lost as usual with an empty phone battery, I heard music, and there it was, all I needed a rock concert, right in front of me - and it’s not even my birthday-. It was “faking it!”---that’s the name of the band-- it was awesome, and as if god was helping with the show he made it rain!! And there was more costumes and more excited people! So yeah, thank God, from now on I am a believer in what I used to call stupid celebrations that are a waste of time. I missed my meeting that day, but I am glad I did. I laughed, I jumped and I screamed and it was worth it.

So next Halloween, I will wear a costume, and I bid anyone who is reading my humble Blog to wear a costume too! And just be kids again and laugh and laugh… You know what don’t wait till Halloween, how about you stop working for an hour and do something out of the ordinary for once. I don’t know, maybe go sand boarding or bake a cake or something. Good luck fellows Earth residents.

1 comment:

  1. sandboarding is overrated, it's not that much fun. But yeah, I know what you mean :)
