Sunday, October 25, 2009
Love Treatise, Journal #3: Long Form Audio Documentary
Producing Company: Alaska Teen Media Institute
Length: 00:08:36
Narrator: Cooper Galvin
Funny and witty..
I love how he takes us on a journey with him. Like how at first he comes up with an idea, and states it and then states the logical thing to do next. Showing us the purpose of creating the piece.
What is Love?... He asks 7th grade girls. He interviews many girls at the same time, it’s cute and fun, and gives the listener an idea of the atmosphere and how relaxed the speakers are. I like that he picked innocent seven-graders who still have a warm innocent definition of love. It is also very spontaneous, which gives the listener the assurace that it is real. I like that he let the conversation flow naturally yet in a fun way, I guess he might have chosen his subjects to be fun before the interview.
After the seven-graders he moves on to ask a more serious group, an experienced group of seniour guys. And you can see the difference between the first group and the second group. You can tell that the first group is very much caught in a pink world, unlike the second group which is more serious. I love the diversity of the subject.
He interviewed this guy, and asked him for a definition. The guy didn’t know how to answer, and asked to leave. He didn’t say anything significant, yet you can tell the point behind adding his contribution to the piece it shows how blury the definition of love is in the minds of people.
He interviewed a big bunch of people till that point, normal people around campuss. I guess that way he was able to portray the general image of how people interpret love. However, no solid answer where found to his question. I guess it is because it is a subjective question and each person has his own definition of it. I like that he chose that particular topic to pursue, since it is so subjective that almost everyone defines it differently and so in my opinion people would like to hear what others have to say about this blurry subject.
He then moves on to interview someone who is supposingly more experienced than the rest of the group; the Romantic Poetry Teacher. Who provides us with a conclusion that is “everyone has their own definition of love and that we have to reach our own definition of love, which we will not find untill we are ready.”
The Narrator’s voice, in my opinion is ideal, at least, for this piece; because with it he can portray emotion; the listener can tell when he is amused or shocked or plain bored. It is not too loud or too quite, and it has a friendly vibe to it, I guess it gives that vibe because the script is very lively and engaging, and also because the interviews were conducted in a fun casual way.
However, I am not a fond of his choice of music for the piece, because eventhough it is a nice song that is related to the subject it is very distracting to put as a background, I think he better has chosen something softer or at least lowered the volume a bit.
The documentary was not too long or too short, I think it is perfect, I woulddn’t let go of any part of it if I was producing it. It is 8 minutes and 35 seconds of informative fun.-
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Remember Remember to laugh!, a podcast
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
DreamfullofZen, An Interview
DreamfullofZen A.KA David Tawfeeq, is a truly inspirational artist. Listening to his Music had an effect on me. As an Art lover I have great respect for Professor David. I also envy him, for I would also love to have the ability to portray emotion as vividly as he can. Like a magician with his music he can portray ideas and thoughts, and even send you delving in memories.
Check Out. Dave's official website. It is user friendly and contains his music and videos, or visit him on his MySpace.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Super Cigarette!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
PSA: Check the Expiry Date On Food to Postpone Your Expiry Date
Friendly Voice:
Maya: Timmy what’s that you are drinking?
Taymour: It is supposed to be lemonade, but it tastes funky.
Music : funky time by lips inc.
Taymour: No not that kind of funky (as if referring to the song). It tastes expired.
Maya: Oh let me try. Oh dagnaghaggitybagit (surprised), did you check the expiry date before you drank it?
Taymour: I didn’t, let me check that thing… holly macaroni, it is expired! (surprised)
Serious Voice:
Maya : Always remember to check the expiry date on food or drink.
Taymour: As well as being extremely gross, eating expired food is also unhealthy.
Maya: Bacteria build up overtime and open up for disease.
Music Fade out…
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Listening Journal 2
About the site:
It has a wide variety of programs to listen to and as you are listening you can rewind, so if you miss a part you have a chance to get back to it. But the buffering is very slow compared to the BCC and the world vision report.
To Casket or not to Casket, a Review:
The interviewer Robert Kurwhich presents the speaker “Bernd Heinrich” by telling us about a service we can get from nature for free. Robert then explains is it in a creative way. He starts explaining in a way that everyone can relate to, relating beetles to undertakers and cleaning men; as they do the service of disposing dead animals and making them disappear. There was a sound of a shot, denoting that an animal has been shot, he didn’t have to say anything. The sound explains itself.
The job of the interviewer in this feature is not only to ask questions he also voices information, but not in a scientific way, unlike his guest the specialist in the fields. Both speakers alternate, making the feature sound like a friendly conversation.
There is not much Nat Sound, however the feature was quite entertaining to listen to. The conversation itself was interesting. The shifting of speakers made it easy for the listener to concentrate.
There was a song that was playing as in the middle of the feature. A very funny and exceptional song, it sounded like it was being played on a stage in front of people, since in the background you could hear people cheering and laughing. The song is “dead Earnest”, performed by Pete Seeger.
The feature ended with a suggestion to listen to another feature, also related to animals and death and burial.
With the audio feature, there is a related article that contains a letter from a student who doesn’t want to be put in a casket because this way, animals can’t reach him and so he would not be a part of the eco system.
5 min. 23 sec.
The BBC World Servic News:
About the site:
You can choose the quality of the audio; standard or high quality. The standard quality is very good, and it doesn't take much time to load. You can also choose between using Windows Media Player and Quick time, which makes the site compatible with Windows as well as Macs.
The Review:
The announcer speaks faster than speakers in features. There is mostly no Nat sound or sound effect. But there are other speakers to announce different information, like when he talks about a president he gives a part of the speech. And when he talks about a country he passes the Mic to a reporter to someone closer to the scene.
The language is very precise and professional and straight to the point, unlike features there is no use of metaphors. It is like a fast audio display of events. In five minutes it gave us an idea of what’s happening all over the world. It is not meant to dive in one subject in particular.
5 minutes
World Vision Report, Ultra-Orthodox Women go to work:
About the Site:
It is very simple to use, as soon as you open you'll find the feature stories, you just press on a story and it plays on the same window. nonetheless, you haveto be careful as you listen to the story since it plays one way, you can't rewind it.
The Review:
The story is about how really religious orthodox women in Israel are going to work due to recession
The introducer starts with talking about America since that is where the audience is mostly centered. Then with a Nat sound another speaker speaks, the Nat sound shows that he is in Israel, where the story is at. He interviews a lady, he doesn’t say that she is Jewish, but the listener can tell because of her accent. I like that they do not state the a obvious, since stating the obvious would take up time.
He explains what the life style of the religious of Israelis is like, and then starts to tell a story of a woman who has lived in Israel. The fact that he chose to spoke about one example makes it simpler to the listener and easier to comprehend.
He adds her voice in the feature to continue what he already started saying. I found that it makes me as a listener more alert especially that she is a woman and he is a man which makes the pitch different.
“When something becomes nothing you are in a big problem” I like how recession was described here it is very simplistic and even kids could understand it.
Women have no skills to go into the job market which means women has to go to the job market. The Nat sound changes to the job market, and the guy describes how the scene is like and what the women are wearing, which makes it easier to imagine.
He interviews so many women and it is interesting to listen to their different voices and the different opinions. The opinions are sometimes contradictory which makes the listener think.
7min. 16 sec
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Niqab and the AUC
A statement issued by AUC last winter banning niqab on its premises said, "We believe strongly that all members of the AUC community have a basic right to know with whom they are dealing, whether in class, the library, labs, the bathroom or anywhere else on campus. This right extends to all faculty, students, staff and even visitors. We use photo IDs for a reason -- to enable us to identify people by matching the person's face to the picture." [Al-Ahram weekly]
I respect and understand this statement by the AUC, however, I believe that even with Niqab you still know who you are dealing with; there is the voice of the person, as well as their style of walking, moving and even dressing and you mostly can still see their eyes and the size of their body. It is true that you can’t see their facial expressions however you can see their eye movement and their body language.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Friday, October 2, 2009
On Marketing Religion (The Bridges Foundation)
This video starts
with Mr Soliman instructing people to repeat the Islamic Shahada, then gives some information about the Bridges foundation, It's intended to advertise the workshps the foundation offers to internet users.
Yesterday out of curiosity, i attended the first day of an extensive workshop on how to become a Da3ia (A preacher). The workshop which consists of two levels; each for three days. The first one is 4 hours a day and the second level is for 12 hours per day. The workshop is organised by a foundation called the bridges foundation. that aims to present Islam. It has branches in the UK, Kuwait, Austria, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and the United states.
I was told that the workshop would be about dealing with the misconceptions concerning Islam especially after the events of 9/11, and all the bombings in the UK and Madrid, however what I found was lessons on how to market Islam and sell it to people.
"You know who the best Marketer that ever existed? ... It's the Prophet Mohamed" said Mr. Soliman, who is the director of this vast foundation. He kept on through out the lecture talking about his achievements and how he has managed to convert so many people to Islam, and then he spoke to those who were present about skills that would help them to get people to become Muslim. He kept on speaking on how to play with the mind of your target and how to manipulate what you are saying as to get their sympathy. His motto was that all Muslims should act like marketers and sell Islam.
I was shocked by what Mr Soliman was saying, he was teaching all these people, who at that day counted to 157 to be frauds when it came to their religion to manipulate the minds of other people.
The violent way in which he spoke made me feel like he is conducting an army, and it truly scared that at some point i thought that i was going to start crying out of despair.
According to Mr. Soliman, the Christians in Egypt are doing huge campaigns to convert Muslims and so Muslims must fight back and get as much Christians to be Muslims because of course according to him Islam is the only road to salvation.